Monday, August 3, 2009


I think the criteria for having a cellphones should include much more than a credit check or the ability to make a downpayment. To weed people out the application should list THE REASONS YOU WOULD BE DENIED

1. If you are stupid
2. If you can't spell
3. If you talk loud ( a little leeway will be given to slightly deaf, if it is medically proven)
4. If you text while walking
5. If you text while driving
6. If you have to be on the phone at 3 am talking about nothing

I'm sure some of you could add to this list.

So a note to the people who walk and text, this is NYC. NYC drivers will run you over, make you part of the roadway.... Giving new meaning to the word roadkill. They are crazy enough to drive and text, so damn if they care.

To the 3am users who think they the only one awake. Get a life, oh!!!!! I am sorry, I forgot while wifey home sleeping the girlfriend get the early morning call.

To the stupid, cellphones are a mean of communication in case of emergencies. Ummmmm... My bad, you still done get it huh?


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